An Organized Move: How to Relocate Smoothly and Efficiently

Whenever moving comes up in conversation, it usually includes heavy sighs and exaggerated eye rolls. No one likes moving!

It’s often listed as one of the most stressful life events and it’s not a surprise — we have a lot of stuff in our homes! Getting organized before your move can streamline the process and significantly reduce stress. And because summer is peak moving season, I thought I’d share a few steps to make your next move easier.

Plan Ahead

As with anything, a little planning goes a long way. Imagine what can happen if you do a lot of planning!

A well-thought-out plan reduces stress by giving you a clear roadmap when things get hectic.

  • Keep Information in One Place — Create a binder or folder to keep all information in one place. You’ll want a packing checklist, schedule, utility information, contact information, and more.
  • Plan Your Time — Well before your moving date, use your calendar to work backward from your move day and create a general schedule. You’ll want to save packing things you use often for the days right before the move, but you can begin packing infrequently used items early. Decluttering before you start packing is crucial. Remember to call the utility companies before your move. Mark these tasks on your calendar to stay on track.
  • Gather Supplies — Create a tote with labels, Sharpies, scissors, packing tape, and other supplies for easy access. You’ll use these when decluttering and moving. Begin collecting boxes so you aren’t scrambling at the end. Here are a few ideas for creating a moving kit.

Declutter Before the Move

No one wants to move extra stuff they no longer use. However, when feeling overwhelmed, it’s easy to throw everything into boxes, whether you need it or not. This is where planning can truly make a difference.

Go room by room and declutter as quickly as you can. Open closets, look under beds — get as detailed as time permits, and be ruthless if you can! Moving becomes stressful when we realize how much we have once we start packing. Use this time as motivation to let go of unused items by donating or selling them.


It’s time to grab your packing kit! Pack your home room by room, starting with the spaces you use least often. Once you’ve packed a room and only the items you are still using remain, move to the next room. However, avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same boxes. Keeping rooms separate will make unpacking much smoother.

  • Label everything! It may seem excessive, but you’ll be thankful while unpacking. List the room the box belongs in and a few notes on what’s inside. Label boxes on the top and side so you can see what they contain when they’re stacked. 
  • Expert Tip! Use luggage to pack essential items you’ll need immediately, like toiletries and clothes.

Moving Day

The day is finally here—try to enjoy the momentous occasion if you can!

  • Ask your movers to place boxes in their corresponding rooms to make unpacking easier.
  • Keep your moving binder accessible for any phone numbers or details you might need.
  • Celebrate! After everything is unloaded, take a moment to celebrate the move. A lot of hard work has led to this moment!


After the big day, it’s time to begin setting up your new home. The task can feel overwhelming but think of it as a way to arrange everything as you’ve always wanted.

  • Reverse Order. You’ll unpack everything in the reverse order in which you packed it. Begin by unpacking your essentials, and then move on to the next most frequently used items.
  • Organize as You Go. Group similar items together, create zones, and label them!

Describing how to organize each portion of your home requires multiple blog posts, but this is a reminder to organize as you settle into your new space. Your future self will thank you!

Remember, moving doesn’t have to be as stressful as everyone thinks. You can do this!

Ready for some hands-on support? If all this sounds like more work than you’re willing to take on, Contact me to learn about our pre-move and unpacking services. We can take part of this off your plate!